Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions before proceeding with your booking. By booking onto a class, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Your agreement is with the individual Drama Tots franchisee (us/we) and not with Drama Tots Ltd.

We reserve the right to update these terms and conditions at any time.

Exclusion of Liability

Participation in our classes and use of our equipment is done so entirely at your own risk. Whilst Drama Tots takes all reasonable steps to make classes safe, it is not possible to eliminate risk completely. We, nor Drama Tots Ltd, can accept any liability for illness, injury or damage suffered by any participant or attendee. 

Customer responsibility

Whilst attending Drama Tots classes, customers will take full responsibility for adhering to our terms and conditions and guidelines.

It is your responsibility to notify us of any medical conditions your child has and ensure your emergency contact details are up to date.

Your child’s information will be shared with relevant staff members.

For Drama Club (out of school club), your child’s information also will be shared with relevant school staff.

Bookings and Payments

No place is guaranteed at Drama Tots until payment for your booking is received.

TRIAL SESSIONS: If your child is attending a public class for the first time, they are entitled to 3 paid-for trial classes.

Trial sessions must be taken over 3 consecutive weeks.

After your trial, you will automatically be offered a space at Drama Tots.

TERMLY BOOKINGS: Termly bookings are paid for in advance of the term starting.

If you join part way through a term, you will be charged a pro-rata fee.

Our current class participants are offered an exclusive period where they can book in advance of the general public for the next term of classes. After this, places are offered on a first come, first served basis.

SUBSCRIPTION BOOKINGS: All monthly subscriptions are collected on the 1st of each month.

If you join part way through a month you will incur a covering payment for the remainder of classes that month.

To update your payment details, please contact us by email.

We will communicate with you if payment has not been made to check if details need updating.

If payment is not made after communicating the missed payment, your subscription will be cancelled and your child removed from the class register.

If you wish to cancel your monthly subscription, please contact us by email 30 days before your next payment is due. If you don’t give at least 30 days notice, you will still be charged for the next month.

DRAMA CLUB (OUT OF SCHOOL CLUB) BOOKINGS: Drama Club bookings are paid for in advance of the termly or half-termly block starting.

If you join part way through a term, you will be charged a pro-rata fee.

We reserve the right to charge a late fee for collection after the official end time of Drama Club classes: £10 after 10 minutes, £20 after 20 minutes, £30 after 30 minutes. Any children left uncollected after 45 minutes could result in Social Services and/or the police being contacted.

CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS: Once payment is made, we cannot issue refunds. Any refund under exceptional circumstances is discretionary. We will always seek to find a suitable alternative.

MISSED CLASSES: If you do not attend a class, we are unable to give refunds or carry classes forward. At the discretion of the class teacher, and depending on availability, you may be able to join another class during that week.

If a class is cancelled by us, we will do our best to provide a suitable alternative.

If face to face classes are cancelled due to factors beyond our control, including, but not limited to, Covid-19 restrictions, we reserve the right to provide an online class as a substitute.

Health and Safety

SAFETY: We aim to provide a safe environment at Drama Tots. Participation in the class and the use of our equipment is at your own risk. We do not assume liability for the health and safety of class participants and attendees.

SUPERVISION: In public classes, parents/carers are wholly responsible for the safety of their children and must remain with them at all times. This includes whilst arriving and leaving the premises. We ask that parents/carers enjoy the activities with their children. They always learn more and participate more enthusiastically when parents / carers join in with them.

We will be using toys, props and musical instruments which require supervision and we ask you not to allow your child to put these in their mouths. 

Drama Club (Out of school club) participants will be supervised by their Drama Club teacher. Safety is monitored throughout the session. Children are given instruction on how to use equipment safely when necessary.  We are not responsible for your child before or after the stated time of the class.

We occasionally run drop-off Drama Club classes in public venues. The conditions of these classes will be communicated with you during the booking process.

In the event of an incident please inform your class teacher.

CLASS BEHAVIOUR: Our classes should be enjoyable for all. If your child is harming another member of the group or being disruptive to the running of the class, we kindly ask that you remove the child until the said behaviour has stopped.

If we feel that a customer's behaviour is unreasonable, we may refuse entry to our classes. 

We want our public classes to be a social time for children and adults but we kindly request that chatting between adults is kept to a minimum during the class.

If your child attends Drama Club (out of school club), we will use effective behaviour management strategies to promote the welfare and enjoyment of all children attending the Class. We will follow our Behaviour Management Policy to deal with inappropriate behaviour. In cases of persistent inappropriate behaviour we will consult with parents / carers and in some instances your child may be asked to leave Drama Club.

ILLNESS: Please do not attend a class if you or your child are unwell or are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. 

You must not attend if you have a contagious illness including, but not limited to: COVID, measles, chicken pox, impetigo hand, foot and mouth disease, norovirus, conjunctivitis, heavy cold. Please take advice from your doctor and be clear of all symptoms for 48 hours before returning. 

In the instance of sickness and/or diarrhoea, all symptoms must be clear for at least 48 hours before attending a class. 

INFECTION CONTROL: Infection control measures are carried out as required. In order to prevent infectious diseases, including, but not limited to Covid-19. You may be asked to adhere to extra safety measures. We will communicate any current measures. 

We cannot completely eradicate the risk of infection in our classes, therefore by attending classes, you do so at your own risk.

LOSS OR DAMAGE: Drama Tots cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage of personal possessions during or after our classes. 

FORCE MAJEURE: We shall not be liable to perform our obligations under this contract as a result of a Force Majeure event. In the event of a force Majeure, we shall have the right to terminate classes and events immediately by giving written notice to the customer. 

A Force Majeure includes but is not limited to situations out of our control such as war, earthquakes, acts of governments, accident, fire, flood, or a pandemic.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: Drama Tots is inclusive and we treat everyone respectfully and equally.

Photography, Videography and Copyright

PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY: Photos and videos may be taken of your own child during the classes. You must not take any photos or videos of other children unless you have gained prior consent from their parent / carer.

We only allow video snippets of up to 30 seconds due to class confidentiality. 

CONFIDENTIALITY OF CLASS CONTENT: All material delivered in our classes is owned by Drama Tots, by copyright or trademark. Content MUST NOT be copied, downloaded, reproduced, distributed or transferred in any form without written consent from Drama Tots. Please support our business by adhering to this.

Data Protection and Your Privacy

PRIVACY POLICY AND DATA PROTECTION: Drama Tots franchisees, teachers and Drama Tots UK Ltd will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

ClassForKids is our online booking system which processes and stores your data. The data is available to Drama Tots Ltd, the franchisee with whom you are making your booking, the class teacher and ClassForKids. 

We may contact you from time to time with marketing information if we believe there is a legitimate interest. For example, information about our classes, services or products. We will always aim to ensure that our communications are relevant to you.

You can withdraw from marketing communication at any time by emailing your franchisee.

Please see our privacy policy on the website: https://www.dramatots.co.uk/privacy-policy-page


COMPLAINTS HANDLING POLICY: Drama Tots are committed to providing the highest quality service. When something goes wrong, please tell us about it to assist us in constantly improving our standards.

We always aim to find a prompt and peaceful resolution. Please raise any problems with your franchisee in the first instance. We ask that you also pass on any information to Leanne at Head Office on 07779 106663 or leanne@dramatots.co.uk.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible, but always within a week. The complaint will be investigated and if the complaint relates to a person, they will have a fair opportunity to respond. We will call you to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. Our response to the complainant will outline the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions and action taken as a result of the complaint.

Online Class Terms and Conditions

SAFETY AND RESPONSIBILITY: In our public classes, you are responsible for your child’s physical and online safety at all times throughout the class. Please ensure that your child has a safe area to partake in the class. Children must be supervised at all times. Participation in the class is at your own risk. We cannot accept liability for injury or damage caused during a class. 

We love to see photos and videos of your child enjoying our classes. However, you must not record or take photos of other children without permission. 

Please dress and talk appropriately. We cannot accept liability for anything others may say or do during the class.

TECHNOLOGY: We endeavour to deliver every class smoothly without any technical difficulties. However, we cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties outside of our control. We will always do our best to find a suitable alternative and reschedule if a class cannot be carried out or completed due to technical difficulties.

When attending an online class, please also adhere to our general terms and conditions.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the classes, please speak to your class teacher or contact Leanne at head office on 07779 106663 or leanne@dramatots.co.uk.